Pricing Info

Pricing Examples, Available Services and Costs, Subscriptions and Pre-paid Plans

Regular Prices

Prices listed do not include subscription discounts.

Multiple models and services are available, each with different capabilities and price points.

Prices are per 1,000 tokens to make it more user-friendly. Tokens can be thought of as word segments, with 1,000 tokens being equivalent to about 750 words. This paragraph consists of 56 tokens.

Input: $0.0018 / 1K tokens
Output: $0.0024 / 1K tokens
Input: $0.0036 / 1K tokens
Output: $0.0048 / 1K tokens
Input: $0.00021/1K tokens
Output: $0.00084/1K tokens
Input: $0.007 / 1K tokens
Output: $0.02 / 1K tokens
$0.048 / image
$0.096 / image
$0.0001 / 1K tokens
$0.0001 / 1 vector per month
$0.01 / 1 query
$0.336 / 1k chars
$0.098 / per month

Cost Examples

Explore these examples to understand the costs of using AI models, with prices shown US dollars ($). Costs are for the Pro plan.


=ASK("Capital of France", {"model","gpt-3.5-turbo"; "temperature",0; "with_kb",false; "with_web",false})


=ASK("Capital of France",{"model","gpt-4"; "temperature",0; "with_kb",false; "with_web",false})


=ASK("What are the essential things in a business? Answer in 10 words.",{"model","gpt-3.5-turbo"; "temperature",0; "with_kb",false; "with_web",false})


=ASK("What are the essential things in a business? Answer in 10 words.",{"model","gpt-4"; "temperature",0; "with_kb",false; "with_web",false})


=ASK("Write a short essay about climate changes",{"model","gpt-3.5-turbo"; "temperature",0; "with_kb",false; "with_web",false})


=ASK("Write a short essay about climate changes",{"model","gpt-4"; "temperature",0; "with_kb",false; "with_web",false})

Payment Options

Subscribe to one of our plans to receive credits each month. Usage of the chat, running Smart Functions, utilizing Knowledge Base, and performing Smart Formulas calculations will deduct credits from your monthly quota.

If your monthly quota is exhausted, you can purchase Extra Funds. These funds are utilized when the monthly quota is exceeded and will roll over to the next month.

Additional Notes

We charge for every OpenAI API request. Although a complete response wasn't given, costs may still arise due to errors in OpenAI API calls.

Using one Smart Function or sending a single message to the built-in ChatGPT can result in more than one call to OpenAI API.

Adding sources to the knowledge base incurs a charge. However, we utilize the most cost-effective model, text-embedding-ada-002, to create embeddings affordably. Nevertheless, incorporating extensive documents into the Knowledge Base can become expensive

Currently free, we may introduce charges for SQL table storage in the future. All our users will be informed before.